
酷柏光學是全球隱形眼鏡的領導品牌之一,在超過 130 個國家為眼科醫師、驗光人員及隱形眼鏡配戴者提供服務**2。 我們的產品創新卓越,讓數百萬人每天擁有更佳的視力。
* Based on Rx option combinations (sphere, cylinder, axis & add) manufactured, across all soft lenses in sphere, toric & multifocal (including made to order), in SiHy and hydrogel from 4 main manufacturers. Includes 1 Day, 2 weekly, and monthly disposable contact lenses. Cosmetic & Photochromatic contact lenses not included. Multiple base curve variants not included.
** CooperVision lens care products, soft and speciality contact lenses.
1 CVI data on file, 2019.
2 CVI data on file, 2020.