clariti®1 day multifocal 珂朗清矽水膠漸進多焦日拋
隨著年紀與長時間3C產品的使用,您是否也注意到了視力上的變化?例如:近距離閱讀時變得模糊,漸漸地把手機的字體放大?酷柏光學珂朗清® 矽水膠漸近多焦點日拋能夠同時矯正近視與老花,是您的視力矯正好夥伴,讓您不用再為了遠、中、近距離的視力感到困擾,隨時隨地都能夠擁有輕鬆自在且舒適水潤的美好生活。
在講求快速便利且健康意識抬頭的世代,珂朗清® 漸近多焦點矽水膠日拋正能滿足您的需求!
除了日拋的便利性,珂朗清® 矽水膠漸近多焦點日拋的高透氧能滿足眼睛日常配戴的100%氧氣需求,維持眼睛的健康,同時還具有紫外線防護,多重呵護您的眼睛健康†‡1 。

平穩流暢的漸進度數變化,讓您不論遠、中、近距離都能夠擁有極佳的視力品質2 。

柔軟且高透氧的矽水膠鏡片,不僅舒適無異物感,更能夠維持眼睛健康亮白‡1 。



衛部醫器輸字第028514號 北市醫器廣字第111040165/111020092/111030080/11204020號
* Warning: UV-absorbing contact lenses are not substitutes for protective UV-absorbing eyewear, such as UV-absorbing goggles or sunglasses, because they do not completely cover the eye and surrounding area. Patients should continue to use UV-absorbing eyewear as directed.
† During daily wear.
‡ With higher oxygen permeability than hydrogel materials, silicone hydrogel contact lenses minimize or eliminate hypoxia-related signs and symptoms during lens wear.
1. Brennan NA. Beyond Flux:Total Corneal Oxygen Consumption as an Index of Corneal Oxygenation During Contact Lens Wear. Optom Vis Sci 2005. 2005;82(6):467-472.
2. CVI data on file, 2019. Prospective, bilateral, subject-masked dispensing study for 2-weeks DW with clariti 1 day multifocal. N=48 habitual soft MFCL wearers at 2 sites in North America.
3. Based on global sales for clariti® 1 day sphere, toric and multifocal; 30-box equivalent. Ref: CVI data on file 2022. Global annual sales data calendar year 2021. (*依據酷柏光學2021年全球銷售資料)