紐約羅徹斯特 2025 年 3 月 10 日 - 酷柏光學 CooperVision 在全球六個隱形眼鏡製造廠與分銷廠獲
得了「零廢棄物設施計畫的認證」* 1,彰顯了我們持續對永續經營的承諾。
在波多黎各 Juana Diaz;哥斯達黎加 Alajuela;英國的 Delta Park 和 Mount Park;美國紐約州
Scottsville and West Henrietta 的這六家工廠獲得了這項認證,證明了工廠在運作時減少與轉換廢棄
物掩埋的程度* 1
每個廠均透過國際第三方知名的環境與永續性認證機構 SCS 全球公司根據最新的零廢棄物標準來
進行個別的評估與認證。酷柏光學 CooperVision 的設備擁有不同的轉化率透過回收、堆肥、廢棄物
轉化為能源、轉售和再利用等各種方式來取得認證.* 1
酷柏光學 CooperVision 首席營運長 Rolando Torres 表示:「這六家工廠都獲得了廢棄物多樣化利用
零廢棄物設施認證讓酷柏光學 CooperVision 以節約能源為重點的環境措施達到了重要的里程碑;
並賦予公司內外部員工權力去落實「節約、重複利用與資源回收」.*† 1
酷柏光學 CooperVision 在波多黎各 Juana Diaz;哥斯達黎加 Alajuela;美國紐約州 Scottsville and
West Henrietta 的工廠獲得了享有盛譽的 LEED® 認證;而在英國的 Mount Park 獲得了 BREEAM®
「優秀」評級。‡ 2,3
酷柏光學 CooperVision 與減塑銀行 Plastic Bank®合作率先上市了全球首款塑中和隱形眼鏡§ 4,我們
與減塑銀行 Plastic Bank®購買與內品中所含塑膠重量相等的信用額度◊ 5,用於資助海洋塑膠廢棄物
的收集、處理、再利用,從 2021 年內動這個計畫以來,確實改善了環境,我們相當於回收了 4.66 億個
寶特瓶¶ 6。酷柏光學 CooperVision 現已在特定國家販售全系列的塑中和隱形眼鏡。
對於聯合國推動永續發展目標,酷柏光學 CooperVision 持續致力於將環境的影響降至最低並且支
了解更多,請至 CooperVision & Sustainability | CooperVision Taiwan
* Zero Waste Program Certification is obtained through SCS Global Services, an international leader in third-party
certification, validation, and verification for environmental sustainability.
† Zero Waste Program Certification for six global manufacturing and distribution sites — Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico;
Alajuela, Costa Rica; Delta Park and Mount Park in the UK; and Scottsville & West Henrietta, NY.
‡ Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. BREAM: Building Research Establishment Environmental
Assessment Methodology.
§ Range defined as all 1 day brands and segments: sphere, toric and multifocal.
◊ Plastic used in participating CooperVision soft contact lens products is determined by the weight of plastic in the
blister, the lens, and the secondary package, including laminates, adhesives, and auxiliary inputs (e.g. ink). The
determination does not include plastic used during the manufacturing process for both these products and their packaging.
¶ CooperVision, through its collaboration with Plastic Bank, to have collected and converted approximately 9.3M kg of
plastic destined for waterways as of February 2025. Using Plastic Bank's metric of 1kg of plastic equaling 50 standard
202mm bottles, that will be the equivalent of approximately 466M plastic bottles not reaching our oceans.
** Refers to continuous manufacturing improvement processes undertaken by CooperVision to reduce its Scope 1 and
2 carbon emissions.
1 SCS Global Services Certificate Nos. SCS-ZW-0008, SCS-ZW-0011, SCS-ZW-0012, SCS-ZW-0014, SCS-ZW-0018,
2 CVI data on file, 2024. US Green Building Council. Building Research Establishment.
3 CVI data on file, 2025. US Green Building Council. Building Research Establishment.
4 CVI data on file, 2021, 2020-2020 Plastic Bank Contract Agreement.
5 CVI data on file, 2024.
6 CVI data on file as of 02/2025.
# # #
About CooperVision
CooperVision, a division of CooperCompanies (Nasdaq:COO), is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of contact
lenses. The company produces a full array of daily disposable, two-week and monthly soft contact lenses that feature
advanced materials and optics, and premium rigid gas permeable lenses for orthokeratology and scleral designs.
CooperVision has a strong heritage of addressing the toughest vision challenges such as astigmatism, presbyopia,
childhood myopia, and highly irregular corneas; and offers the most complete portfolio of spherical, toric and multifocal
products available. Through a combination of innovative products and focused practitioner support, the company brings
a refreshing perspective to the marketplace, creating real advantages for customers and wearers. For more information,
visit www.coopervision.com.
About CooperCompanies
CooperCompanies (Nasdaq: COO) is a leading global medical device company focused on helping people
experience life’s beautiful moments through its two business units, CooperVision and CooperSurgical. CooperVision
is a trusted leader in the contact lens industry, helping to improve the way people see each day. CooperSurgical is a
leading fertility and women’s healthcare company dedicated to putting time on the side of women, babies, and
families at the healthcare moments that matter most. Headquartered in San Ramon, CA, CooperCompanies has a
workforce of more than 16,000, sells products in over 130 countries, and positively impacts over fifty million lives
each year. For more information, please visitwww.coopercos.com.
Media Contact
Heather Kowalczyk, APR
McDougall Communications for CooperVision
heather@mcdougallpr.com or 585-434-2148