Live® 樂芙矽水膠日拋
(一) 配戴一般隱形眼鏡須經眼科醫師驗光配鏡取得處方箋,或經驗光人員驗光配鏡取得配鏡單,並定期接受眼科醫師追蹤檢查。
衛部醫器輸字第033768號 北市醫器廣字第111070061號
* Warning: UV-absorbing contact lenses are not substitutes for protective UV-absorbing eyewear, such as UV-absorbing goggles or sunglasses, because they do not completely cover the eye and surrounding area. Patients should continue to use UV-absorbing eyewear as directed.
† During daily wear.
‡ With higher oxygen permeability than hydrogel materials, silicone hydrogel contact lenses minimize or eliminate hypoxia-related signs and symptoms during lens wear.
1. Brennan NA. Beyond Flux: Total Corneal Oxygen Consumption as an Index of Corneal Oxygenation During Contact Lens Wear. Optom Vis Sci 2005. 2005;82(6):467-472.